miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Real Nice Thing in Life #9

My blog (and my life) has reached the point of inevitable change. Beautiful Alcibides has decided to quit his duties as the official photographer of The Guayaba Project to explore greener pastures. I'm hoping only for the best for him. He would be greatly missed. I will always love you Alcibiades :)

But don't you worry my dear un-occupied followers, I've gotten myself an adventurous, funny, beautiful, smart new photographer. Her name is CoCo and in case you are wondering, that's not her alias, that's actually her real name. When you are lucky enough to have a stripper's name, the world just bends over backwards for you. Mental note: is it too late to change my name to Candy?

Welcome to The Guayaba Project CoCo. Consider this your playground. 

Real Nice Thing in Life #9: To embrace change, even when it hurts and when desperate there's nothing that CoCos, Candies, Emeralds, Trixies or Bubbles won't be able to heal. 

Urban Outfitters Shirt. Every thing else is very old and has no labels left. Other than the boots that are Frye and in case you are wondering if they are comfortable, the answer is No. These boots are not made for walking. The domestication process lasts a good five years (like a husband :)). 

domingo, 13 de enero de 2013

Real Nice Thing in Life #10

While cleaning my "no-space-left" memory card yesterday I came along these pictures from my vacation in Colombia. I'd like to call these Paseo de Rio (River trip. Now that I think about it, this is one of those things impossible to translate, but believe me, it makes sense in Spanish). I cannot go to Colombia and not go to a very popular paseo de rio. Maybe is the psychological effects of letting the water take away my bad energies, sins, and excess baggage. Or maybe I just enjoy the numbness effect of immersing my body in very cold water, either way, I love going on paseos de rio. This time I took my mom and Maco (My mom's BF and also the photographer) with me. And soap, and shampoo, and some sort of sugary mixture to exfoliate my skin. Yes, I'm that tacky. Too bad Maco didn't get a shot of me washing my hair. 

Enjoy your Sunday! and just because I'm in some horrible non-inspirational-couple-of-weeks mode doesn't mean that I have forgotten about my Real Nice Things in life series. So here it goes, Real Nice Thing in Life #10: To freeze yourself while showering outdoors. To let the river wash away what you don't need. Including dead skin cells. 

No, I'm not peeing. I'm just watching some ants carrying 100 times their weights in leaves.

Le Ternera. (The veal)

martes, 1 de enero de 2013

Vintage Heaven

My wonderful vacation in Ibagué, Colombia has come to an end. If you are one of the unoccupied few that read this blog you will know that I landed in vintage heaven when I decided to violate my aunt's closets last week. I supplied large amounts of wine to my aunts (shame, not really!) and countless jokes in order to score some of the items I'm wearing here. If only the weather in NYC was as nice as in Ibagué.....
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Once more my brother was forced into playing the part of the photographer. Not bad for a biologist that loathes fashion!

Everything was fine until I found this scandalous see thru dress. I can only imagine my aunts wearing these back in the days. I'm guessing this was used as a cover up for a bathing suit. Of course, I would never waste such a magnificent dress that way.