I got myself the coolest book ever called 642 Things To Write About (by the San Francisco Writer's Grotto). As the name suggests, the book describes 642 fantasy scenarios to write about. The ideas go anywhere from "Write the lyrics of a rap song. They must include a cop, a bad dry bust, and a dog" to "Create an imaginary friend (human or not)". I would definitely go thru the 642 ideas and promise to share with you the ones I find most entertaining (or most embarrassing, which for the most part happens to be the most entertaining).
I glimpsed quickly thru the book and got inspired to come up with my very own idea #643: If you have the opportunity to call God (or the Holley Molly, The Divine, Your Holley Cannoli, or whatever is it that you believe in -or not-) and speak with him for a few moments, what would you tell him? Extra points if you use a shoe phone a lá Maxwell Smart....
(To increase my chances of getting through God's very busy hot line I will use two "shoe phones" as opposed to one just the same way I use several phone devices when I need to call La W Radio or Radio Bemba to request a song)
I'm on hold....
Still on hold. I'm listening to Kenny Rogers background music...
"God? Hi it's me! Hi how are you?!"
"...banana smoothie with almond butter and almond milk, (it just tastes sooo good!)...."