domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

40 Things I Can Do at 40 That I Couldn't Do When I was 20

By Wendy Fontaine, for Huffington Post
Additional comments by moi even though I'm not forty......yet. 
ps. I'm writing this post while watching the Grammys. Is it just me or this has turned to be the most boring show on earth? Mental note: I'm getting old. 
  1. Cook a decent meal. Debatable, unless grilled cheese sandwiches with guava paste are considered a decent meal.
  2. Make a killer cup of coffee. Hmm, nah, definitely nah. 
  3. Tell the truth. 
  4. Have a healthy relationship. Ay porfavor!
  5. Look past a person's flaws. 
  6. Look past my own flaws. 
  7. Stay home on New Year's Eve. 
  8. Pay my bills. Ok lady, this should have made it into the 40-Things-I-can-Do-at-20-That-I-Couldn't-Do-When-I-was-10 list!
  9. Go out without makeup on. Go out with make-up on!
  10. Go to the gynecologist without being embarrassed. Embarrassed?! About what? 
  11. Go to a therapist without feeling ashamed. My poor therapist. God bless that woman for having the ability to keep a straight face when listening to me. 
  12. Speak to a group of strangers. 
  13. Buy the good wine. And drink it all. Alone ;)
  14. Handle rejection. 
  15. Read Didion instead of Cosmo. I have to confess I google'd Didion -as in Joan Didion I assume- and no, I still read more magazines than books. Immature me. 
  16. Be happy for other people, instead of jealous. Always.
  17. Ignore the trends (skinny jeans included) and wear what looks good on my body. 
  18. Ignore the Kardashians, Rihanna and every other celebrity du jour. 
  19. Ignore people's nasty comments. oh hell no!!
  20. Ignore my ex. Who?
  21. Stand up for myself. 
  22. Stand up for people I love. 
  23. Sit at a concert. 
  24. Take a cab home instead of insisting I'm OK to drive. 
  25. Wear a hat when it's cold. And not taking it off the entire day, my hat hair is ugly...really ugly. 
  26. Stop worrying about whether people like me or think I'm pretty. 
  27. Be my kid's hero. Be my cat's hero.
  28. Show her what independence looks like. If I show my cats what independence looks like I will never see them again. 
  29. Show her what real beauty is. Real beauty is my cat throwing up and then eating her own vomit....eeewwww!!!
  30. Drive the speed limit. 
  31. Drop that toxic friend. 
  32. Avoid the drama. 
  33. Swear in front of my mom. Everything I am I owe to my mom, vocabulary included. 
  34. Swap the tanning lotion for eye cream. Yikes and yikes. 
  35. Focus on the smart guy instead of the handsome guy. Focus on the smart and handsome guy. With age comes ambition. 
  36. Say "no" to stuff. 
  37. Skip the gym and go for a walk outside. 
  38. Stop trying to be perfect. 
  39. Let go of expectation. 
  40. Adjust to changes. And one to grow on: Understand that the best is yet to come. Promise?

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Operation "Stay-Warm"

(All pictures from: this funny blog )

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” 
Bessie Anderson Stanley

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Every December 31st just before the clock hits 12 o'clock I panic thinking about my New Year's resolutions. Very often I've found myself breaking self-promises and quite honest I'm one of those persons that give up easily if the aforementioned pledge requires a great deal of sacrifice, e.g: having to quit wine (yeah right!), carbs, and every thing that doesn't belong to the plant kingdom in order to get a six pack. After promising myself for many years a ripped abdominal area a lá Brad Pitt in The Fight Club and only getting a cute flabby belly a lá Lena Dunham in Girls, I just gave up on unrealistic goals and now I stick to the good old promise-as-you-go type of deal. 

This past year however, I realized that I spend too much time dealing with garments i.e. organizing my closet, taking items to the cleaners, doing laundry, folding clothes, removing cat hairs from my sweaters, and all the other activities that revolve around body containers a.k.a. clothes; and I've come up with a promise that I might be able to keep due to its simplicity and lack of sacrifice: I will recycle, reuse, and restore what I already own and I will not buy any unnecessary apparel for at least three months starting January 1st, 2014 (side effects might include nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, insomnia, skin rash….I'm kidding no i'm not. I very recently saw a documentary about how the USA is  addicted to prescription drugs and now I'm all into side effects. Notice also how easily I get side-tracked). 

My first DIY project of the year is this simple white tank with an illustration from  Erika for Deletereo (I love you mon cherie!). Who knew that a color printer, transfer paper and a couple of plastic emeralds could save a plain tank top from the inevitable destiny of becoming sweaty gym wear? 

Let's hope that this resolution doesn't end up in the bucket of broken promises. In there I can find classics like: I'm never bitting my nails again (hands or feet), I'm never putting my used gum behind my ear for future use after I'm done eating, I will floss my teeth more often, I promise to stop ringing all the bells when I'm trying to gain access to a building, and my favorite: I promise to limit my wine consumption to once per month……right. 

Besos! and what were your New Year's lies resolutions? 

All pictures by CoCo (Gords Inmunds)
I'm wearing very proudly one of the nicest bracelets I've ever placed my paws on. You want one? I know you do.  E-mail me ;)
Support local artisans, love limitless and take care of your pets.

Love you all,